Is Your Garage Door Ready?

Hurricane Season is upon us and NOW is the time to make sure your garage door is ready to protect your home in the event of a major storm! All too often homeowners wait until a storm is fast approaching to take steps to secure their home. Don’t wait until your home and family are in danger.

Most people think they need to replace their old garage door with a new hurricane rated garage door to withstand a storm. That’s not true! A lot of times your current garage door can be upgraded with specific parts designed to reinforce and secure your door for hurricanes!

Your garage door is the MOST important part of your home when it comes to a hurricane! It’s the largest entrance to your house, making it the most dangerous in the event of a storm! If you lose your garage door due to high winds, you will likely suffer roof damage as well!

In fact, 80% of the damage caused by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 was caused by wind entry through the garage door, according to The Florida Alliance for Safe Homes

We’ve seen many doors, and cars, damaged from backing the car up against the door to prevent the garage door from ‘blowing in’. Unfortunately, this method does not work. In reality, the weakest points of a garage door are the corners, and without proper bracing, the corners of your garage door will collapse very quickly in major winds.

Call Florida Garage Door Pros today for a FREE diagnosis of your garage door to ensure it’s ready to take the brunt of a hurricane!

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